It has to be said however, these improvements make the game even more realistic and once you get the hang of it, you won’t be able to put the controller down. The brand new AI, physics and collision systems means that even for those that have played previous Ride games, the handling may take some getting used to. This mode again comes with great variety, ensuring you will be able to experience almost every combination of bike class, track, event type, and difficulty level. This is where you compete in racing events and challenges to earn points in order to unlock new bikes, and modify accordingly. The creativity element of the game does not stop there, you can personalize your rider profile, clothing and riding style. The variety of bikes available means you can build the garage of your dreams while modifying your bike with over 1,200 customisable parts. From GPs and Supermoto tracks, to the city and the countryside, Ride 3 definitely offers something for every bike loving gamer. You have the choice of over 270 bikes from 30 market-leading manufacturers, riding them on 30 different tracks and roads around the world. If you’re a fan of variance and creativity, Ride 3 is the game for you.