
I didn't believe it was a full work around but I thought it was a somewhat of a partial work around being that if I got a code it would probably pop something relating to the repair and full as when I had the Solus Edge the date it was so so, then when I moved to the motor sedge the day it was so so but a little bit better because you had the component tester and then I moved to this. One thing I think they're salesman were short on realizing when they were out touting their productwith the technology truck. The sure-trac don't cut it with the Zeus platform unless there is any tsb's only then will it show what the manufacturers repair info is on the Zeus. I'm sure snap on probably have some roll against it? But I don't necessarily see why it's that big of a deal if they're getting paid their money and everybody's in their one account because that gives them that many people to Market to with their other products which is a win-win for them in my eyes if you ask me because they would be more inclined to buy stuff from Snap-on to being that they let them do a situation such as this. I would say if you can get 8 or so mechanics together and they all agreed to pay 20 bucks a month that should cover the cost of a subscription if each added a buck or two extra for taxes as I'm sure they charge.

shopkeypro shopkeypro shopkeypro shopkeypro

It would be nice to have the "OEM" info at hand if that's what it provides? Anyone know of any groups of people that pool their money together monthly and do a shopkeypro subscription? Is there a limit on the amount of "mechanics" you can have on a account? The reason I ask is I am just a person who does Diagnostics myself, more so for hobby and helping family members, friends but I sure don't make enough in a year to justify the subscription.
